Lockdown Bedsheet Portraits!

What happens when two wedding photographer’s spend ten weeks in lockdown? Boom, at home creative project #87 (probably) bedsheet portraits! Woah there, what the heck’s a ‘bedsheet portrait’ I hear you ask. Well, it’s a portrait taken in front of a pegged up bedsheet of course. Sounds glam right? But as you can see from our makeshift home studio photos, it certainly provided us with a few hours good fun! Shooting, banging out some top tunes and after a couple of beers, we obvs went extra!


We realise that many of our family and friends have not seen our cheeky faces for a while now. So basically we wanted to create and share some cool magazine cover style portraits to say hello. It’s also a great opportunity for us to introduce ourselves to new followers every now and again. Hey guys, hope you are all rocking your lockdown looks (our hairdos are not usually so cray-cray)! We don’t often get the chance to show photos of ourselves, so now you know what we look like behind the cameras.

For those interested in the lighting setup, we dusted off two old continuous lights and a reflector. Shot entirely with a 35mm prime lens around F2.5.


Andy Gott inspired bedsheet portraits.


Black and white bedsheet portraits inspired by Andy Gott.

These two below have to be our personal faves. We recreated a Wes Anderson classic by channeling our inner Steve Zissou! But why not let us know which one’s your fave bedsheet portrait?

Bedsheet Portraits in the style of Bill Murrays' Steve Zissou.

Hopefully these bedsheet portraits of ours have raised a smile. If you’re lockdown lovers looking for documentary wedding photographers, we’d love to hear all about your day! So say hi and let’s chat about the good times ahead! Much love, Z+L X

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  • Mum - Ha ha classic brilliance.
    Bottom middle pic of zo. Bottom middle or right corner liam xx ReplyCancel

  • Steve Grogan - These are AMAZING, so much fun. 🙂 ReplyCancel

  • Natalie taylor - Fantastic idea .. something to mark the times when we all had to stay positive..ReplyCancel
